Adding and Removing Assignments

Assignments are hosted on the Assignments page and include a list of Labs and a list of Problem Sets. These lists build automatically if the assignment files follow a particular naming scheme. Below we discuss how to add assignments to the list. They can be removed by renaming the files or removing them entirely from the repository.

For further reading on how these lists are made, see the Quarto documentation on document listings.

Problem Sets

Problem sets are sets of drill-style problems that provide practice with the concepts and skills of a particular day’s lesson. They are stored within the subdirectory containing all of the materials for that day.

PDF handouts

  1. Create a file called ps.qmd alongside the notes for a given day’s materials. Your directory should look like this:

    ├── notes.qmd
    ├── ps.qmd
  2. At least two YAML options should be specified in the front-matter, title and the custom handout format:

    title: Calculating Chances
    format: stat20handout-pdf
  3. Upon rendering the site, this assignment should appear on the assignments page. The format of the assignment list is controlled by the assignments template, which will automatically assign numbers to the problem sets based on their order in the directory.

The pdf notes use the stat20handout custom pdf format. See Custom Formats for more information on its use.

Qmd handouts

  1. Just like with pdfs, create a file called ps.qmd alongside the notes for a given day’s materials. Your directory should look like this:

    ├── notes.qmd
    ├── ps.qmd
  2. Add the following to the front-matter of ps.qmd.

    title: Simulation
          source: true
          toggle: false
    sidebar: false

    The title should have the name of topic, usually the same as the title of the notes. This name will be used in creating the PS name in the listing. The remaining yaml options will provide a link at the top right of the problem set webpage that, when clicked, will produce a pop-up of the source of the qmd file. Students can copy and paste this into a blank qmd file in RStudio (and can remove the extra yaml options).

If you have multiple problem set files on a single day, you can differentiate them by adding a single letter or digit following ps and hyphen. ps.qmd, ps-2.qmd, and ps-b.qmd should all work. See the source for the assignment page for the rule that determines which files show up in the listing.



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