
Summarizing Numerical Associations

Correllation and the least squares line


The cor() function will calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between two vectors. When working with a data frame, it is used in combination with summarize().

Note that in comparison to other numerical summaries that we have calculated with summarize(), the correlation is function of two variables. Also, as always, keep an eye out for missing values.


The workhorse of the linear modeling in R is the lm() function. Generically, this function takes the form:

lm(y ~ x, data = my_df)

This can be read as, “I’d like a linear model that explains y as a function of x, both coming from the my_df data frame.” Correspondingly, be sure that y and x are columns found in my_df.

Unlike many of the functions we’ve been learning lately, you will generally call lm() on it’s own line and not as part of a data pipeline. To fit a model that explains bill_length_mm as a function of bill_depth_mm and save that model to a new object called m1, you would use:

Because you’ve saved the linear model as m1, when you run this line of code, it won’t return any output. However, now you can refer to the model later on in your code. To see the values of the estimated coefficients (the slope and the intercept), you can just enter the name of that model.


The fitted values, \(\hat{y}_i\), are the \(y\) values where the linear model passes through the x coordinates of the observations (\(x_i\)). They give a sense of the y value that your linear model expects for that observation, given it’s x value. You can extract those fitted values from your linear model by simply calling the fitted() function on your model.

Note that when you run this line of code, it gets messy! It returns a vector that is the same length as the number of (non-missing) observations; if you have \(n\) observations, you will have \(n\) fitted values.

It is often helpful to store these statistics that emerge from your linear model in your data frame right alongside the variables used to fit the model. We can do so using the mutate() function.

You can check how your fitted values compare to your original data by isolating those columns with select() and taking a peek at the first few rows.

Sure enough, your fitted values, \(\hat{y}_i\), look fairly similar to the original \(y_i\) (bill_length_mm).


Now that you have your fitted values in your data frame, you could calculate residuals yourself by creating a new column that is the difference between \(y_i\) and \(\hat{y}_i\). However, you can also get there by using the resid() function. This works similarly to fitted() - it operates on your linear model object and returns a vector of residuals - so lets jump straight to putting the residuals back into our data frame.

Let’s see how that worked.

It worked just as we expected: in the first row, the value of e_hat is the observed y value, bill_length_mm, minus the expected/fitted y value, y_hat.