Class Survey

Part II: Computing on the Data

You can access the real data from the Stat 20 Class Survey by adding the following line of code to a code cell at the top of your Quarto document.

class_survey <- read_csv("")

To complete the following questions, you will need to find the columns in the class_survey data frame associated with each variable mentioned.

Question 1

Do students prefer to spend time at the beach or in the mountains?

Construct a plot that answers this question and calculate a measure of a typical observation (mean, median, or mode, as appropriate). Then use the plot and this summary to answer the original question in a sentence.

Question 2

Is there an association between students’ favorite season and terrain preference (beach or mountains)?

Construct a plot that answers this question. Use this plot to answer the question in one sentence.

Question 3

How much coding experience do students have? (numerical scale)

Construct a plot that answers this question and calculate a measure of a typical observation (mean, median, or mode, as appropriate). Then use the plot and this summary to answer the original question in a sentence.

Question 4

What is the relationship between students’ optimism for cryptocurrency and their skepticism of the effect of technology on interpersonal relationships?

Construct a plot that answers this question. Use this plot to answer the question in one sentence.

Six variables appear in the survey data frame that were derived from the original prof_label question: is_artist, is_humanist, is_nat_sci, is_soc_sci, is_comp_sci and is_entrepreneur. The is_artist variable is TRUE for those students who most identified as an artist and FALSE otherwise. The other five variables are defined similarly.

For the following four questions, please answer with a plot and a sentence or two written response given the structure in the plot.

Question 5

Is there an relationship between students most identifying as an entrepreneur and their optimism for cryptocurrency?

Question 6

Is there an relationship between students most identifying as a humanist and their optimism for cryptocurrency?

Question 7

Propose your own question involving one of the is_ variables and numerical variable of your choice. Construct a plot that addresses the question, calculate a measure of center for the two groups separately (e.g. comparing those who identify as artists with those who do not), then use them to answer your questions in one or two sentences.

Question 8

This last one is a full choose-your-own adventure: propose your own question involving two or three variables and answer it using a plot with a written interpretation.

Last Question

Will you ensure that your submission to Gradescope…

  1. is of a pdf generated from a qmd file,
  2. has all of your code visible to readers,
  3. and assigns each of the questions to all pages that show your work for that question?

(This one is easy! Just answer “yes” or “no”)